Syed Jahanzaib – Personal Blog to Share Knowledge !

February 26, 2018

Power of Open Source / Traffic Controlling with TC

Filed under: Linux Related — Syed Jahanzaib / Pinochio~:) @ 9:49 AM

speed meter


pwoerful pawn

Living in the Dark & Playing  & with the Open Source is Fun & Amazingly Powerful ! z@iB


We have few Linux base FTP/HTTP base media file sharing server setup. User can access these server by bypassing the router as we donot want to put load on the router itself & user should access these servers from switch level by intervlan routing setup.


Since the FTP data is in many terabytes and hundreds of users are accessing it, this is creating bottleneck for server’s network/storage.


On Linux we can use TRAFFIC CONTROLLER (TC) to limit bandwidth on per user IP basis.  We will create a simple bash script which will do the following in sequence …

  • FTP Server IP:
  • Clear any existing shaping rules
  • Create 4 bandwidth packages as following
    – 1024kbps  [for General Users subnet]
    – 2048kbps  [for Support Staff  subnet]
    – 512kbps     [for ICMP, so that ping should work fine , Protocol base]
    – 128kbps    [for any unknown IP series, that is no define above, for ALL]
  • Assign ip subnet to these packages (/24 and it will create per ip base rules via LOOP statement)
  • In this example, we are limiting Bandwidth in one way only, means packets sending from server to client will be applied limitation .. For both ways just duplicate rules and use src as well.

Create , the script!

mkdir /temp
touch /temp/
chmod +x /temp/

Now Edit

nano /temp/

& paste following,

# Traffic Shaping Using `TC` in Linux / This was made for specific requirements.
# ITs customzied designed to fulfill some specific requirements & it went well.
# Following Script will limit outgoing bandwidth for specific ip range series.
# It will also allow ICMP more bandwidth so that ping to local server may not delay or imtout.
# It will then limit all other ips that are not listed to minimum bandwidth that is 128kbps.
# Adjust is as per your requirements.
# Syed Jahanzaib / aacable @ hotmail . com / :~)
# 23-Febraury-2018

# Enable following to see debug
# set -x

# Local Network Interface name

# First IP Range & its package with class

# Second IP Range & its package with class

# Separate Bandwidth for ICMP protocol to minimze delay in PING/ICMP packets

# Other Default Package Line, means all other unmarked IP's or traffic

if [[ "$1" != "start" && "$1" != "stop" && "$1" != "status" ]]; then
echo "Usage:

./ start
./shaper stop
./shaper status

by Jz!"
exit 1

if [ $1 == "stop" ]; then
echo "Clearing all existing Queues on user request ...

tc qdisc del dev $INT root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
exit 1

if [ $1 == "status" ]; then
echo "Showing Current TC Class and Filter Status
tc class show dev $INT
echo "

tc -s -d class show dev $INT
echo "=========================================="

exit 1

if [ $1 == "start" ]; then
echo "Starting Shaper ...
Clearing all existing Queues for re-implementation ...

# clean existing down- and uplink qdiscs, hide errors
tc qdisc del dev $INT root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null

echo "
Adding Queues ...."
# Create egress shaping for all required classes
tc qdisc add dev $INT root handle 1: htb default 20 r2q 50
tc class add dev $INT parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate $INT_SPEED ceil $INT_SPEED
tc class add dev $INT parent 1:1 classid $IP2_CLASSID htb rate $IP1_PKG ceil $IP1_PKG prio 100
tc class add dev $INT parent 1:1 classid $IP1_CLASSID htb rate $IP2_PKG ceil $IP2_PKG prio 100
tc class add dev $INT parent 1:1 classid $ICMP_CLASSID htb rate $ICMP_PKG ceil $ICMP_PKG prio 100
tc class add dev $INT parent 1:1 classid $UNKNOWN_CLASSID htb rate $UNKNOWN_PKG ceil $UNKNOWN_PKG prio 100

# ICMP reply Adjustment so ping may not timeout or high delay may not occur at client end for this server local IP
tc filter add dev $INT parent 1: protocol ip prio 100 u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid $ICMP_CLASSID

# IP-1 series limitation applies here ...
for (( i = 1 ; i <= 255; i++ ))
tc filter add dev $INT parent 1: protocol ip prio 100 u32 match ip dst $IP1.$i flowid $IP1_CLASSID

# IP-2 series limitation applies here ...
for (( i = 1 ; i <= 255; i++ ))
tc filter add dev $INT parent 1: protocol ip prio 100 u32 match ip dst $IP2.$i flowid $IP2_CLASSID

# Send every unknown IP to classid UNKNOWN_CLASS that is lowest. so that any IP that is not listed above will get htis lowest bandwidth
tc filter add dev $INT parent 1: protocol ip prio 100 u32 match ip dst flowid $UNKNOWN_CLASSID

echo "


linux TC down-result.jpg


Renew DHCP lease if Gateway not responding

Filed under: Mikrotik Related — Tags: , , — Syed Jahanzaib / Pinochio~:) @ 8:49 AM


Nothing Fancy , just short notes for script command reference purposes!

Following is a very simple 2 minutes instant cooked noddle type script. It will simply check the gateway status acquired by the dhcp-client using  ARP ping, , if it fails, then it will simply try to renew the ip by release/renew. Its very basic level, but its interesting to see how Mikrotik can really help you in day to day task by facilitated with the Tik level scripting !

Syed Jahanzaib

# Mikrotik Script - Tested with 5.x
# Script to check default gateway acquired by dhcp client on specific interface,
# Lot of room for improvements and modification but following was enough for some particular task,
# You can add BOUND status as well too, but i wanted this particular checking, you can add whatever you like
# Syed Jahanzaib == aacable AT hotmail DOT com - https:// aacable DOT wordpress DOT com
# Feb,2018
# Setting Variables

# Set Interface name which will get DHCP ip , This is the only option you may need to modify
:local INTERFACE "wan1"

# Number of Ping Count, how many times mikrotik should ping the target device
:local PINGCOUNT "5"

# Ping threshold, how many values should set alert, like if 5 out of 5 goes out
:local PINGTS "5"

:local i 0;
#:local i value=0;
:local F 0;
:local date;
:local time;

:log info "Checking default gateway for $INTERFACE interfaces."
:local DHCPGW [ /ip dhcp-client get [/ip dhcp-client find where interface=$INTERFACE ] gateway ]

# IF there is no default gateway on dhcpclient interface or if interface is disabled, then error
:if ([:len $DHCPGW] = 0) do={
:log error "No DEFAULT gateway found on $INTERFACE interface @ $date $time ..."
# Try to renew ip
/ip dhcp-client release $INTERFACE
/ip dhcp-client renew $INTERFACE
# Exit the script without further process ... I found this recently because in mikrotik there is no EXIT 1
error :error

# PING host $PINGCOUNT times
:for i from=1 to=$PINGCOUNT do={
:if ([/ping arp-ping=yes interface=$INTERFACE $DHCPGW count=1]=0) do={:set F ($F + 1)}
:delay 1;

# If no ping found then give error and do action
:if (($F=$PINGTS)) do={
:log error "PING to $DHCPGW via $INTERFACE is DOWN! @ $date $time "

# Take action if unable to ping gateway
/ip dhcp-client release $INTERFACE
/ip dhcp-client renew $INTERFACE
} else={
:log warning "PING to $DHCPGW via $INTERFACE is UP! @ $date $time "