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February 22, 2013

Start windows service under different user credentials

Filed under: Microsoft Related — Tags: , , — Syed Jahanzaib / Pinochio~:) @ 3:02 PM

To start windows service under another user credentials , Use following

In Windows 2003:

IF the user belongs to local system

sc.exe config SERVICENAME obj= .\USERNAME password= 123456
net start “SERVICENAME”


IF the user belongs to Domain

sc.exe config SERVICENAME obj= DOMAIN_NAME\syed.jahanzaib password= 123456
net start “SERVICENAME”

TIP: Make sure you add SPACE after each equal sign in command .

For example: obj= SERVICENAME

It was required for me to start SAP services, after configuring user account with password in services console, they remove password after every restart of system, therefore I made this batch file to execute on startup so they start automatically upon reboot.

Syed Jahanzaib